Cynthia Kanini

light of hope has really helped me, sometimes my periods comes when I don’t expect it and when my mum is not around or there is no money to buy me sanitary towels, I use the pads given by light…
light of hope has really helped me, sometimes my periods comes when I don’t expect it and when my mum is not around or there is no money to buy me sanitary towels, I use the pads given by light…
Before LOHYII came to our school to implement the sanitary towel distribution and its mentorship programs, most of the girls were dropping our of school and the absenteeism was rampant. After it started its programs in our school, we have…
I started smoking cigarettes since class four but when LOHYII commenced their program in our school of mentorship and health talks when I was in class 7, I stopped smoking because the talks helped me to know the effects of…